Wednesday, October 04, 2006


This entire week (since last Tuesday), William has been sick. It started out with a low grade fever on Tuesday night. By Wednesday morning he didn't have a fever, so I sent him to school. By Wednesday afternoon I realized it had been a mistake for him to go to school! He was curled up on the couch - anyone who knows Will, knows that this is utterly NOT like him! Anyhow, he had a fever of 102! He stayed home from school sick on Thursday and Friday. By Saturday he didn't have a fever anymore, so I let him do some 'normal' Saturday things. He played in a soccer game and went to a birthday party. That evening he started coughing - a terrible, rack your entire body, deep-chest cough. I finally took him to the doctor yesterday (Tuesday) and he was diagnosed with 'walking pnemonia.' When I gave him the first dose of antibiotic, he promptly threw it up all over my kitchen floor. So, I bathed him and gave him another dose - which he threw up about 15 minutes later...... So, today I gave him the medicine mixed with chocolate pudding, as per the nurses suggestion! So far it's staying down. Hopefully he doesn't get sick again, because I NEED him to go to school tomorrow. An entire week of Will's energy mixed with WAY TOO MUCH television and I'm at the end of my rope! Today a movie from Netflix arrived. I loved watching 'Pollyanna' as a little girl and hoped to share the joy with my little boys. Warren just rolled his eyes when he saw what the movie was. He likes to remind me that, 'you remember we're raising BOYS, right?' This afternoon I asked Will if he wanted to watch it and this was our conversation:
Me: "Oh, look Will, a movie came in the mail, do you want to watch it?"
Will: "Does it have shooting?"
Me: "No."
Will: "Does it have fighting?"
Me: "No."
Will: "Does it have any bad guys?"
Me: "No."
Will: "Um, I don't think I'll like it."
:-) Boys! :-)

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