Thursday, September 21, 2006

Split decisions...

Since Nate and Drew have preschool in the afternoons, Will and I have 2 hours free to spend together. Sometimes we do something fun (yesterday I took he and a buddy to the Children's museum). Two days ago, however, we had to do something terrible. Prepare yourself for this news: we had to run some errands at the MALL!!! Talk about little boy torture! :-) As I was breaking the news of our afternoon plan to Will, I thought I would try to sweeten the deal by telling him that if he was well-behaved that I would take him on the merry-go-round. He remembered that there were some other ride-on type toys at the mall as well. I told him that he could choose whether he wanted to go on those rides or the merry-go-round. He sighed and said,"It's such a hard cedision." He repeated it several times, realizing that it didn't sound quite right, but not realizing why. Finally I said, "decision" and he said, "yeah, I have a hard time with that word". He is so cute!!!

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